Welcome to Eagle Eye Security's training courses.
This is where you can acquaint yourself with the requirements for each of our comprehensive programs.
The North Carolina Private Protective Services Board requires successful completion of the 16-hour Basic Security Officer Training Course to perform the duties of a security officer in this state. You may choose to attend training prior to application with a licensed security agency which may increase the likelihood of being hired. The standard instructional format is conducted over 2 consecutive days, but scheduling can be customized according to the needs of your company or group. During this time, we cover all nine training topics required by the NC PPSB and more in detail including both administrative and legal aspects of working as a security officer in North Carolina. There is no pre-requisite for this course, and all training materials are provided in class.
Training topics include:
Legal Issues for Security Officers
Emergency Response
Patrol Procedures
Field Notetaking & Report Writing
Deportment & Professional Standards
Controlled Substances
Traffic Direction & Control
This course offers on-site training classroom.
NOTE: Possessing a NC Concealed Carry (CCH) permit does not automatically authorize you to carry a firearm concealed. You must first complete the PPSB Armed Guard Training Course. Then you must submit your armed guard registration application requesting a concealed endorsement and provide a copy of your valid permit to the PPSB. If you do not already have your NC CCH permit, you may request to be issued documentation for CCH training upon successful completion of the PPSB Armed Guard Training Course.
This course is required prior to pursuing Armed Guard training and registration.
NC licensed Private Investigators wishing to obtain their Armed Private Investigator license must attend the first four hours of the Unarmed Security Guard Course prior to attending the Armed Guard Training Course.
North Carolina Private Protective Services Board requires successful completion of the 20-hour Firearms Training Course to perform the duties of an armed security officer in this state. The standard format is conducted over 3 consecutive days including both classroom and range time, but scheduling can be customized according to the needs of your company or group.
Possessing a NC Concealed Carry (CCH) permit does not automatically authorize you to carry a firearm concealed. You must submit your armed guard registration application requesting a concealed endorsement and provide a copy of your valid permit to the PPSB. If you do not already have your NC CCH permit, you may request to be issued documentation for CCH training upon successful completion of this course.
This course is also required prior to pursuing PPSB Long Gun training (Carbine and/or Shotgun) and registration.
NC licensed Private Investigators wishing to obtain their Armed Private Investigator license must have already attended the first four hours of the Unarmed Security Guard Course prior to attending the Armed Guard Training Course.
North Carolina Private Protective Services Board requires an annual registration renewal for ALL security officers, armored car officers, and private investigators who carry a firearm in the performance of their duties. In order to renew, applicants are required to qualify each year with their duty weapon(s) and obtain a score of 80% or higher. We HIGHLY recommend that those qualified to carry a firearm re-qualify 60 to 90 days prior to the expiration date of their registration or license to prevent any lapse, suspension, or termination of employment.
The standard format is conducted in one day with 4 hours of classroom training plus the range qualification. Training can be customized according to the needs of your company or group.
You will need the following equipment:
Handguns should be semi-automatic pistols between 9mm and .45acp.
Rifles should be semi-automatic chambered in .223, 5.56, or .308.
Bring at least 100 rounds for each firearm you plan to qualify with. (Please note that any failed attempt will require additional ammunition.)
- At least 2 magazines for each firearm
- Magazine pouches
- Secure duty holster and gun belt
- Eye and ear protection
- Flashlight (mounted or hand-held for pistol, mounted only for long gun)
- Baseball cap with bill
- Footwear with non-slip sole
- Proof of ID (Driver License, State ID, Passport, Military ID)
- Proof of valid PPSB Armed Guard registration (your current guard card or application if you have not yet received your card)
ASP Baton and Handcuff Certification is the most dynamic impact weapon and restraint training available. ASP training incorporates easily remembered and devastatingly effective techniques that can be used by all personnel under actual field conditions, coupled with court defensible procedures that have reduced liability whilst improving safety. The ASP Tactical Baton and Handcuff training program is universal across all levels of Law Enforcement, Military, and Security. Thousands of operational personnel have learned first hand that ASP techniques work under the stress of actual street confrontations.
The program has revolutionized baton and handcuff training, and has been implemented by agencies throughout the world, with training being conducted in 77 countries. The competency-based training program is based upon a conceptual model for the use of force and teaches the ASP principles of control using the ASP Tactical Baton & ASP Tactical Handcuffs. It focuses on mechanical functions and maintenance procedures for ASP Tactical Baton & Handcuffs and skill with expandable impact weapons and the full range of ASP handcuffs.
The programs are easy to understand and provide efficient defensive tactics for all personnel without long hours of training. The tactics are quickly learned, easily practiced and readily maintained long after the program is completed and training incorporates drills which simulate the stress of street encounters. As a realistic training program ASP instruction recognizes that nothing works 100% of the time, so all ASP training retains the officers ability to disengage or escalate, and since there are no complicated moves the ASP Tactical Baton and Handcuff Certification program avoids the training complexities which often plague other programs.
Once certified, participants are prepared in operational use of ASP Tactical Baton & Handcuffs, for ASP Basic Certification (ABC). Certification comes direct from Armament Systems and Procedures head office (not a third party program) and includes a wallet identification card, professional ASP Certificate, and lapel pins to signify that you have completed the "Gold Standard" in Law Enforcement training.
This is a competency-based training program, mere participation does not guarantee certification. "ASP Certification is Earned NOT Given".
This combined Baton and Handcuff Certification program is delivered over one day, totaling approximately 8 hours of instruction.
Tactical Baton and Handcuffing - 8 Hours
Agency Rates are available for 6 or more candidates!!
Included in the course cost, each candidate will be supplied with an ASP Tactical Baton and/or Tactical Handcuff Training manual and mouth guard prior to the onset of training.
Also included in the course cost....Each candidate who is successful in completing the course will receive an ASP Certificate from ASP International, an ASP Tactical Baton and Handcuff Certification wallet card, and ASP lapel pins signifying certification.
All ASP training courses are universal!! An ASP Certification is the same for Law Enforcement...Corrections...or Private Security. Why obtain a third party certification recognized in your country, state, local area, or specific agency only? ASP Baton and Handcuff Certification is recognized WORLDWIDE.
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course, However, a reasonable level of fitness is advantageous.
We have full training facilities in Cleveland, NC which is convenient to the Greater Charlotte area, Winston-Salem, and more. We are also a Mobile Training Team and can provide an ASP Tactical Baton and Handcuff Certification Seminar anywhere we are needed. You supply an area large enough and we will supply all equipment needed.
16 hour Course
4 hour course
20 hour course
ASP Tactical Baton and Handcuffing
8 hour Course
Long Gun
16 hour course
OC Spray
4 hour Course
Serving Raleigh & Surrounding Areas
24/7 Emergency Service