5 Ways a Security Team Can Keep Your Concert Safe
If you’re enthusiastic about music and event planning, holding concerts at your venue might be the ideal way to make extra money. Many bars and restaurants offer concerts and live music on select nights. With the right advertising and promotion, this can be a lucrative addition to your business model. However, you need to ensure […]

5 Safety Tips To Protect From “Porch Pirates”
Porch pirates aren’t just a danger during the holidays. An increase in online ordering has made it so that many homeowners need to worry about porch pirates all year long. Porch pirates often know who in the neighborhood frequently makes online purchases and they know neighborhoods well enough to know when to strike. Protecting yourself […]

How Security Guards Provide Businesses With Peace Of Mind
With any business, the potential for growth comes with the possibility of loss. Help protect your business from several forms of loss when you invest in security guards. Learn how security guards can provide businesses with peace of mind. Protect Employees During Bank Trips A big risk of loss resides in employee vulnerability as they […]

Why Armed Security Guards May Serve Your Needs Best
If you need one or more security guards, you may be deciding between unarmed or armed security guards. The best way for you to arrive at the right answer for your needs is to understand the differences between unarmed and armed guards. There are things you can expect from an armed security guard that you […]

7 Ways Security Guards Help During The Holidays
Does the thought of the upcoming holiday shopping season have you in a cold sweat? Are you worried about how you and your employees will provide the added security you’re going to need? If your answer was yes to either of these questions, consider hiring security guards […]

The Benefits Of Outsourcing For Business Security
A security guard can work in several ways to protect your business. A security guard can monitor inside of your business during store hours to catch shoplifters or you can have security patrol outside of your building after-hours to prevent break-ins. If you are looking to protect your business with one or more security guards, […]

Should You Hire Security For Your Upcoming Wedding?
If you have to ask yourself if you need security to monitor and protect your guests at your upcoming nuptials, then the answer is probably yes. However, if you are unsure whether hiring security personnel for your big day is right for you, use this guide to assist you in making the right decision while […]

Hiring Security For School And After-school Events
The next time your school is having an event, you may want to consider acquiring on-site security. Even if your school already has security staff at hand, it never hurts to have a professional team helping out. Unfortunately, school events have become more dangerous over the past decade, and a need for dedicated security has […]

3 Easy, Effective Ways To Prevent Employee Theft
Does it ever seem like your business isn’t doing as well as it could be? Although it might make you cringe to think about it, the source of the problem could be sneaky employees who are eager to pad their own bottom lines. Studies have shown that employee theft is one of the greatest sources […]

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Event Security
When you’re planning an event, your mind may immediately wander to small details. It’s only natural to want to ensure that all your guests have a lot of fun. You may want to make sure that nobody is going to be seated next to someone they dislike. But of course, setting yourself up for success […]

5 Security Tips To Stop Shoplifters In Their Tracks
Retailers, both big and small, are hemorrhaging profits due to employee theft and shoplifting. In 2014, retailers lost $44 billion dollars due to stolen or lost merchandise. That number rose to $45.2 billion in 2015. Not all establishments share equally in this loss. Stores can unknowingly garner a reputation as easy targets for the criminal […]

Top Reasons To Hire A Personal Guard
Do you ever worry about the safety of yourself or your family? Is there not enough time in the day to finish all your tasks? If you are answering yes to these questions, you should consider hiring a personal guard. Guards can do much more than simply protect you from an attacker. CAN HELP KEEP […]

Why You Should Hire Security Guards For Big Events
When you’re planning a big event, whether personal or corporate, one thing to add to the list is hiring security. Having properly trained security guards results in many benefits for not only you, but also your guests. SAFETY The most important reason to have security guards is to ensure everyone’s safety. When many people are […]

Why You Should Hire A Security Guard For Your Business
Owning your own business comes with many different responsibilities, some of which affect your customers and some of which affect your bottom line. That is why many business owners are starting to consider better solutions for security. Here are three reasons you should hire a security guard to safeguard your company. ENHANCED PROTECTION The most […]
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